Friday, December 26, 2014

Joseph Campbell

We are all seeking the meaning of life.

Marriage is utterly incompatible with the idea of doing one's own thing.

There are two levels of marriage.

A sense of solidarity.

Marriage is a spiritual exercise.

A hero or heroine who has found or done something beyond the normal range of achievement or experience. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Tommy Rosen

Money is energy

If you overspend, often in debt, or gamble, you are going to be in trouble.

Money is one of the biggest triggers for unhappiness and stress.

Your nerves are damaged.

Stress is an intoxicant.  It is poison to the body.  It breaks down the nervous system.

Getting high relaxes us.  Helps us let go of tension, inhibition, and worry.

Over time, marijuana weakens the human body and dims the human spirit.

Diamond as an Investment

A diamond is an investment in an actual business.

You want to sell to an optimist and buy from a pessimist.

You need to be able to effectively deal with market fluctuation.

When I buy a diamond. I'm buying a company.

Stay dispassionate and be patient.

Buy a diamond cause you want to own it. Not cause you want to sell it.

Develop discipline and confidence.

I try and buy 0.60 cents on the dollar.  Then I don't worry too much about it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Level 5 Leadership

What is Level Five leadership?

The concept of Level 5 leadership was by Jim Collins

Level Five leadership is humility and a fierce resolve.

Level 5 Leaders detest arrogance in any form.

Collins argues that the key ingredient that allows a company to become great is having a Level 5 leader: an executive in whom genuine personal humility blends with intense professional will.

The five leader operated with a burning humility for the cause.  A stoic will for that ambition.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Roald Amundsen

"Victory awaits him who has everything in order--luck people call it.  Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck."

"Everything great and small was thoroughly thought out, and the plan was splendidly executed."

 "A man's luck is one who looks ahead."

"Adventure is bad planning"

Roald Amundsen

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jim Collins

Jim Collins

Level Five Leadership

Humility - Showing modest or low estimate of one's own importance with the behaviors and actions directed toward a desired vision. 

Modest or Low view of one's own importance

Paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.  Self-effacing, quiet, reserved and even shy. A level 5 executive is a highly capable individual, contributing team member, competent manager, effective leader with a paradox of personal humility and professional will. Level 5 leaders are a study of duality: modest and willful, humble and fearless.  Level 5 leaders detest arrogance in any form.

What is Level Five leadership?

The concept of Level 5 leadership was by Jim Collins Level Five leadership is humility and a fierce resolve. Level 5 Leaders detest arrogance in any form.

Collins argues that the key ingredient that allows a company to become great is having a Level 5 leader: an executive in whom genuine personal humility blends with intense professional will.The five leader operated with a burning humility for the cause.  A stoic will for that ambition.

The Ying and Yang of Level 5 leadership.

Good to Great

Stockade Principle - Maintain unwavering faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties and at the same time confront the brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

Hedgehog Principle - Simplicity at it's best.

Culture of Discipline - A magical alchemy of great performance.

The good to great companies did not focus principally on what to do to become great; they focused equally on what not to do and what to stop doing. Disciplined thought and disciplined action.

Fanatic discipline of enduring principles is what it takes to build a great company.

Greatness is not a business quest but a human quest.

Eskimos never hurry. Moving slowly and steadily, avoiding excessive ice that could turn into ice in sub-zero temperature.

An institution can look strong on the outside but already be sick in the inside, dangerously on the cusp of a precipitous fall. 

The good to great companies were not, by and large, in great industries, and some where in terrible industries. Greatness is not a function of circumstances. (Southwest Airlines)


Fanatic - person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal. 

Discipline - consistent action and activity that provides mental or physical training and reject pressures that are incompatible with long-term aspiration. 

Precipitous - dangerously high or steep, sudden and dramatic, suddenly and without warning.  

Cusp - pointed ends where the curves meet.

Placid - not easily upset or excited.  Calm, peaceful with little movement or activity.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Buffet Philosophy of Investing Applied to Diamonds

1. Treat each diamond like a business.
2. Buy a diamond so good that a dummy can sell it.
3. The diamond market will continue to fluctuate. However, over time owning rare valuable stones will continue to produce satisfactory returns.
4. Buy a diamond with global power.
5. Stay away from stones that undesirable stone.
6. Buy diamond priced below the market value
7. Buy a diamond that can be sold at a higher price.
8. Buy a diamond within your circle of competence
9. Buy a diamond within your market reach
10. Competition is hazardous to human wealth and health.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking - Linda Elder, Richard Paul

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thinking.

Critical Thinking is too important to leave by chance.

You must observes what causes problems.

Bad thinking consists of:
unclear, muddled, confused
focus on trivial ideas
notice of contradictions
jump to conclusions
lose track of goals
irrelevant questions
vague questions
unjustified assumptions
miss key ideas
irrelevant ideas
too simplistic
too superficial
lack of insight
narrow perspective

Critical Thinking Process

The Goal/Definition

Raises questions
Gathers and assess information
Well reasoned conclusion/solution

What is the fundamental purpose
What is my perspective
What assumptions
What information do I need
What is my fundamental inference
What is the most basic question
What am I trying to answer
What are the complexities
What are the significances
What is the meaning
What is the level of detail
How can it not be self serving
Can you give more details
Can you be more exact
What is the breath?
Can it have multiple views

Egocentric thinking - Selfish gains

Socio-Centric Thinking along with Rational Thinking
Validate groups goals and thinking and consider the rights and needs of the group

Ask Deep Questions
What is the multi cultured world view
Clarity concepts
Confidence in reasons

Intellectual Courage
Intellectual Civility - taking others seriously, equal and granting respect and full attention, not a matter of courtesy but of politeness. The opposite is intellectual rudeness. 
Intellectual arrogance - natural egocentric human tendency to believe more than we actually know. That our thinking is rarely wrong.
Intellectual autonomy - having independent, rational control of one's beliefs, values, assumptions and inferences. Commitment to analyzing and evaluating beliefs on the basis of reason and evidence. 
Intellectual courage - willingness to face negative reaction.
Intellectual curiosity - desire to deeply understand inquisite 
Intellectual discipline - Trait of intellectual standards, rigor, carefulness, thoroughness, and conscious control.
Intellectual empathy - put oneself in place of others.
Intellectual engagement - Engaging the intellect of others.
Intellectual integrity - hold oneself to same rigorous standards
Intellectual perseverance - the pursuit of insight despite difficulties
Intellectual responsible - sense of obligation to fulfill one's duties
Intellectual sense of justice - sympathetic to the viewpoints of others. 
Irrational emotions - senseless, contrarty to logic, absurd, irrational beliefs, irrational responses. Egocentricity leads to behave in unproductive and unreasonable ways.  

Public Speaking

Public Speaking - Dale Carnegie

Developing Courage, Poise, Self Confidence
Persistent Desire
Know thoroughly what you are talking about
Act Confident
Practice with a small live audience
Develop a process of preparing for your talk
Speak with authority, humor, and humility
Voice Lessons
Acting Lessons
Dance Lessons
Yoga Classes
Breathing Classes

Speech Content:
State your facts
Argue from them
Appeal for action
Show them something is wrong
Show them how to remedy it
Ask for cooperation
Educate people with the merits of proposition
Play with your notes taking
Relaxed body
Relate to your audience
Arouse curiosity
Begin with a story
Use an Exhibit
Power of shocking facts
Closing with a poetic quotation
Close with a biblical quotation
Build up the climax
Making your meaning clear
Appeal to sight and sound
Use authoritative quotes
Be concrete
Cherish your vision
Cherish your ideals
Cherish your music
Clean thoughts make clean habits
Cumulation of facts for convincing 

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

You need to decide on what is your definite major purpose.
Success is always almost within reach if you keep persisting towards your definite major purpose.
Riches sometimes will come in such abundance you'll wonder where it was all these years.
You are the master of your own fate.
Write out clearly what you want to do and how much money you want to have. What are you going to do to obtain it and feel and believe that you already have it.
You need to develop money conscious.  You need to convince yourself and be determined to acquire money.  Your money is so thoroughly saturated with the desire of money that you see yourself already in possession of it.
My definite purpose is to build the best internet website selling colored stones and diamond jewelry ever.
Imagine yourself successful.
Set definite goals
Belief of your goals is starting point of successful goals.
Massive and continuous action towards it's attainment.

Highly organized Specialized knowledge towards the attainment of money.
Success and failure is the result of habit.
Proper planning circumvents lowly beginnings.
Definite purpose and Definite plans put in writing.
Collaborate in harmony.
Money can hear when you call for it.
Leaders possess:
Self Control,
Undoubted courage
Pleasing personality
Master of detail
Intensity of one's desires.
Public speaking needs sexual energy
Control comes from persistence of habit
The emotion of love brings artistic  expression in a person.
Love is spiritual in nature

Eliminate Emotions of:

Create Emotions of:
Persistance is the best master mind

The Ascent of Money

The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson

To Christian the love of money is the root of all evil.

What is money? Where did it come from? What exactly is money?

Money is a store of value.  Money is a medium of exchange. Money is a storehouse of power.  Money accelerates human energy.  Money is a representation of giving what mankind wants.  Money is a store of other people's time and efforts.

Money is Portable power.

Money is the root of "most" progress.

The creation of money is the ascent of man.

It is linked to emotional volatility.

Financial illiteracy is a death. 

Behind every great phenomenon there lies a financial secret.

Every minute of every hour of every week, someone, somewhere, is making financial transactions.

Society without money is poor, brutal and short.

Become successful in real estate and you'll have a financial orgy.

You need to create the production of money.

Lending money is inherently risky.

Money is not absolute value.  Money is worth what someone will give it to you.  Monetary expansion will make prices higher.

We shall never fully understand the truth about money.